Afro Deutsche e.V

For a better life together

We believe that integration can primarily be achieved through education. 
We want to motivate and support children and young people from immigrant backgrounds in various ways in their education.

Through cosmopolitanism and mutual acceptance, we want to enable people to live together as unbiasedly as possible in order to enrich life in our city together.

We want to find ways and means to ensure that mutual respect and understanding between locals and immigrants/populated people become normal.

We want to give citizens with a migration background access to reliable sources of information.

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Our events 


Our partners

Afrodeutsche e.V. needs a good network of strong partnerships in order to survive and pursue its goals with confidence. For this reason, a top-down (as opposed to bottom-up) strategy was deliberately pursued from the very beginning: firstly, solid partners in society for our

Winning goals and then acting step by step with them for our target groups.

Today we work successfully together with:

 –     Kommission für Integrationspolitik  der Stadt Nürnberg

–          Kulturreferat der Stadt Nürnberg

–         Amt für Kultur und Freizeit der Stadt  Nürnberg  ( KUF )

–         Akademie Caritas-Pirckheimer-Haus    (CPH)

–         Jesuitenmission ( “weltweit mit den Armen” ) in Nürnberg

–         Menschenrechtsbüro der Stadt Nürnberg

–         Arbeiterwohlfahrtskreisverband Nürnberg

–         Mission EineWelt  (Centrum für Partnerschaft, Entwicklung und Mission der Evangelisch- Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern )

–          ver-di  Kreisverband e.V.  Nürnberg

–          Nürnberger Integrationsrat

–          The Church of Pentecost

–          Shashamane Restaurant in Nürnberg